Welcome to the new Manassas Chapter No. 81 - Royal Arch Masons Website!
What is Royal Arch Masonry?
Royal Arch Masonry was practiced and taught in Virginia during much of the 18th century. The first documented evidence of the conferring of the Royal Arch Degree to be found in the world is in the minutes of Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4 in Fredericksburg, Virginia and bears the date of December 22, 1753. At that time the Royal Arch was certainly attached to the work of a regular Lodge, and the work was done under the Authority of a Master's Warrant. It became evident, however that because of the growing numbers of Chapters and the increasing membership, some specific rules and regulations were needed for the internal government of Royal Arch Chapters.
Manassas Royal Arch Chapter #81 was chartered October 29, 1958 and holds its stated monthly convocations on the first Thursday of each month. Dinner is served at 6:30pm and regular business begins at 7:30. Manassas Royal Arch Chapter #81 meets in the Senie B. Cockrell Memorial Temple, Manasseh Lodge No. 182, A.F. & A.M. located at 9810 Cockrell Road, Manassas, Virginia, 20110